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Deploy players11 Android game On AWS with scalable architecture.

CloudOps | Devops | Gmetrics


Real-Budget is a design product oriented company with established in Chhattisgarh.


Chhattisgarh, India.

Featured Services

  • Three-Tier Architecture, 
  • Data migration,
  • Millions of web traffic request balancing,
  • Cost optimization,
  • Security with well architecture AWS infrastructure.

Benefits Summary

  • Plan & Build
  • Proof of concept
  • Data & app migration.
  • Improved product feature reliability & availability
  • Build pipeline
  • Improved & speedy continuous deployment
  • Complete AWS infra monitoring, discovery & cost analysis

About Real Budget

Real Budget Gaming is provided gaming application on Android platform.


Players11 game application facing challenges with the huge web traffic to improve load balancing & scalability.

Why AWS & GrootsClouds

Real Games faces the challenges with Players11 application with hosting cloud company, security and 24*7 support application management.

On a daily basis, at peak hours real game team continuously faces application performance related challenges, due to the huge amount of web traffic which landed over on to the single server without using balancing, hence after we recommended 3-tier architecture within multi AZ as well as application load balancing which will avoid traffic load.

For security aspect, at initial level we have deployed the Players11 game with the combination of public-private network using NAT gateway, and good management security group.

Also implemented ssh bastion which we avoid unnecessary ddos attack & ssh access for trusted network.

Real Games leveraged several more AWS Services -

  • Amazon EC2, 
  • Amazon RDS, 
  • Amazon ALB,
  • Amazon WAF, Cloudfront, 
  • Amazon VPC, 
  • Amazon S3, 
  • Amazon application & database migration,
  • AWS cost monitoring & optimization

The company’s solution stacks also includes - 360 Observability.

  • Gmetrics – Infra & application monitoring,
  • Logviu – AWS discovery, Application log analysis.

GrootsClouds Solution Architecture for Players11 game Application​

  • Game migration on aws Mumbai region to host applications, since the user base is India.
  • Hosted all servers behind the load balancer in private subnets across different availability zones (AZ) to reduce latency.
  • Terminated all incoming traffic on the application load balancer, and routed them to appropriate servers in the backend to ensure a single-entry point and avoid internet exposure.
  • Deployed app servers in autoscaling groups for scalability and high availability.
  • Applied AWS Certificate Manager on load balancers to securely manage SSL certificates.
  • Used load balancers to offload SSL certificates and send traffic to the appropriate instance
  • Used RDS MySQL in multi-AZ to ensure high availability of the global database
  • Used S3, to store daily backup & snapshot.