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Month Of August 2024

Exciting news this month. Cloudnetra published our latest release with updated and new features like quota and budgeting, schedule reporting, cost visualisation, and more.

The top stories of the month were:

  • Newly added application tour, with the update of help section for all modules.
  • Updated Metrics Dashboard, get more clarity about installed components as well as alerting, list of monitored hosts widgets.
  • Major bug fixed at AWS inventory level.
  • In Recommendation, CloudNetra integrated the AWS Compute Optimiser service from AWS Cost Optimisation Hub, which allows you to see asset optimisation detailing in updated user friendly design.
  • Updated reporting feature which client receives email on daily, weekly basis.
  • Newly integrated FINOPS blog portal which gives you the latest article on AWS cost optimisation.
  • Alerting features get updated, end users will receive daily & weekly reports, which include information about performance metrics as well as cloud infrastructure. 
  • The recently released Budget, which enables you to set and monitor your cloud spending goals. To obtain a clear picture of your monthly consumption costs, compare your actual monthly bill to your projected budget.
  • Recently released Quota, lets you set up and restrict how much you use cloud services. To obtain a clear picture of your monthly service usage, compare the actual service count with the anticipated threshold.
  • Reduce and manage cloud cost from the start, CloudNetra improved the visualisation of costs and usage. With these updates, monitoring your cloud costs and service consumption is now simpler than ever.